Redburn Rangers

Date: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd August 2017

Venue: Redburn Park and Bardon Mill and Henshaw Village Hall

Come along and join in with some FREE fun crafts and activities; take advantage of the Park and Pitman’s Trail.

Access will be available to the village hall for facilities , refreshments (small charge applies) and activities will continue inside if the weather is miserable!

Children’s Picnics £2.50 each for 5 items and a drink.

11am until 1pm on the following days….

2nd August 2017: Spy Week

9th August 2017: Sure Start Play Van

16th August 2017: Decoupage week

23rd August 2917: Space Week


Clubs and Classes

Please check with individual providers of our regular clubs and classes (e.g. pilates, yoga, keep-fit, silver circuits, karate and WI etc.) to check if they have any restrictions in place due to the covid-19 pandemic
Forthcoming Events
No forthcoming events